Glacier National Park

The last stop on our trip out west was Missoula, MT and nearby Glacier National Park. By this time, we had traversed across Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. In 12 days, we put an additional 3,000 miles on our little rental SUV that served as almost a mobile home during our excursion.

We decided to end our trip in Missoula as we have some friends who recently moved to the area and invited us to come spend some time with them. So, we dropped our rental car off and spent a few days exploring Missoula before heading out to Glacier NP. This would be the final national park we visited and after this we would head home to Charleston, SC.

Thankfully, Glacier NP did not disappoint. Although much of the park was closed due to the neighboring Blackfeet Indian Reservation not allowing travelers through their land (their reservation borders the park) because of the pandemic, we were still able to take a nice hike to a glacier-fed lake. The hike was easy and winded up and through the dense forest along a rushing stream. At times, the forest would clear out enough for us to see the surrounding mountain peaks which towered above. When we got to the lake, the forest opened up and we got to see a beautiful crystal-clear lake surrounded by tall mountains that had glacier-fed waterfalls cascading down into the waters. We stopped for a while by the shore and took some pictures and reflected on how great our trip out west had been.

We wish we could have stayed longer and seen more at this park but the trip back home was a few hours away and after stopping at Jersey Boys Pizzeria in nearby Whitefish, MT for some delicious pizza, we just didn’t have the time. If you are taking a trip to Montana make sure you go to this national park as it really is a must see for any outdoorsy person.

This marked the end of our trip out west. After a few days in Missoula spending time with our friends, we set out for home to tell our friends and families about the fun we had on our journey. If you’d like to know more about the locations we visited along the way or get some recommendations for places to eat, shop, sleep, and see, please email us or leave a comment below! Check out our full trip itinerary here!


A Quick Exploration of the Everglades


Yellowstone National Park: Mammoth Hot Springs & Lamar Valley