Horseshoe Bend


 Day three had us leaving Williams, AZ and driving hours and hours up north to our next hotel in Hurricane, UT. Our travels this day had us driving near the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, it was closed due to a massive wildfire!

We hurried past towards Page, AZ where we were able to stop off at a place we highly recommend, Horseshoe Bend. We parked our car at the state park (parking costs $10 and the National Parks Pass doesn’t get you free admission) and took the 1-mile roundtrip walk to see why so many people choose this particular park as a desktop background for their computers. I could say it so many times, so I’ll do it again – pictures do not do this place justice!

Standing near the edge of a cliff overlooking a massive bend in the Colorado River that curls its way around a large plateau, we both felt a bit of unease in our stomachs and sweaty palms from looking over the sheer drop to the river below. Standing near that cliff allowed me (Sam) to hear many wives, mothers, girlfriends, and grandmothers tell the men in their life, “Please don’t get so close to the edge!” Apparently, all men are untrustworthy around cliffs and one step away from plummeting to our demise! Liz joined in with them, of course!

We sat for a while on a rock and took in the sights. The wind is especially strong at the lookout so if you are visiting in colder months, make sure to bring a jacket. If you are traveling through or near Page, AZ, make sure to take a trip to see Horseshoe Bend. It only takes about an hour to see and is absolutely worth it!


Zion National Park: Hike the Narrows


Hoover Dam (CLOSED!), Route 66 & Grand Canyon