To travel or not: Vegas, baby!


When Liz first mentioned the idea of going on a trip out west, I was a bit hesitant to say yes. With COVID-19 putting the world in an upheaval, traveling seemed risky and difficult to pull off. But my wife can be very convincing! Seeing as we were going to be moving to India within the next few months, we both felt an extended vacation in the US with just the two of us would be a good way to close out this chapter of our lives.

Let me back up…

Almost a year ago we got the radical idea to move to India to operate a tourism business. Crazy – right? Well, after months of planning, selling furniture, cars etc., and lots of help from friends and family to prepare for our move, we are only a short time from being foreigners living in a new country! We both love the outdoors, travelling, and meeting people from different cultures and are looking forward to being able to live in one of the most uniquely beautiful countries in the world. It probably seems that with COVID-19, moving to another country to do tourism seems like a dumb idea, but we believe that tourism will once again thrive in India and the rest of the world. It’s only a matter of time!

So, with our minds made up, we quickly booked plane tickets, hotels, rental car, and purchased the much-needed America the Beautiful Annual Nation Parks Pass. We boarded our flight from Charleston, SC to Las Vegas, NV and began what would be our favorite vacation yet! 

We arrived in the Las Vegas airport to one of the least crowded airports I have ever seen. We quickly made our way to the rental car pick-up and hopped in our 2018 Ford EcoSport Escape (we both had quite the love/hate relationship with this vehicle – more later!). Both exhausted, we headed for our first hotel of the trip, the Skyline Hotel & Casino. Liz dropped me off at the hotel and headed to Napoli’s Pizza to pick us up a cheesy, greasy, delicious pepperoni pizza. After requesting a room change (I guess since NV legalized marijuana, EVERYTHING smells like it in Las Vegas), we feasted like kings in our suite and crashed – exhausted after a long day of flights. Both of us somehow were able to get some good sleep before we headed out for our first day travelling in America’s west.


Hoover Dam (CLOSED!), Route 66 & Grand Canyon


America’s West